Where can I get the app from?
The app can be downloaded from the Play Store (Android) and App Store (Apple), and can be found under the name of "MR Live". Apple - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mr-live/id1438409678 Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.liveRun.app&gl=GBFew readersHow do I login to the app?
Logging into the app will only be allowed on the day of the Run. Group coordinators will be given access to your team login codes on the 'Teams' page of the booking system on the Friday before the run, after the Live Stream. We will also send an SMS to all the registered mobile numbers on the day of the Run. The text message will contain a link to a digital version of the Team Pack, with the login details on the front page. It's really important to treat the login codes as passwords, and oFew readersWhat's the Primary phone?
Only one team member can use their phone to check in using the app. This phone is regarded as the team's 'Primary Phone'. This is completely unrelated to the phone numbers that are asked for in the booking system. They are used to contact teams in an emergency and to send out digital versions of their team packs at the start of the day.Few readersWho can login to the app?
All team members can log in to the app, so it's advisable that all members have the app downloaded. All players on the team use the same login code to get into the app. Please note that only 1 phone in the team can do the 'check-ins' at each location. This phone doesn't have to be the same phone registered in the booking system. The phone numbers we have collected are for sending out doesn't the team pack and emergencies.Few readersApp saying that I need to upgrade, but I can't!
In the build-up to the Run, we will often make changes and create new releases of the App. If you get this message it means that a new version of the app is available. You will need to download this for the day. This message can sometimes appear even though there isn't a newer version. This is because we are in the process of making a release and it's just going through final checks with Apple/Google. You don't need to worry about the app until the day before the Run. At this point, we won't beFew readers