Articles on: Registration Questions

Why are there no spaces left at the Start Zone?

We have introduced the 3 Start Zones to simultaneously reduce the number of groups (and, in turn, the number of people) in one area. This means we are trying to get an even split of groups at each Start Zone to the best of our ability.

Note - we should say that the number of people registered has nothing to do with the spaces available at each Zone.

Spaces are dynamic based on the other Start Zones. A Zone is considered 'full' if it has 2 more groups starting there compared to the Zone with the lowest number of groups starting there. To try and explain this a bit more:

Start Zone 1 TotalStart Zone 2 TotalStart Zone 3 Total
FullSpaces AvailableAvailable

Another group registers, and they select Start Zone 3
Start Zone 1 TotalStart Zone 2 TotalStart Zone 3 Total
FullSpaces AvailableFull

In this instance, the only location that would be left is Start Zone 2 for the next group.

However, if they were to select Start Zone 2 instead, we would be in this situation:
Start Zone 1 TotalStart Zone 2 TotalStart Zone 3 Total
Spaces AvailableSpaces AvailableSpaces Available

This means that spaces at Start Zones will open and close dynamically throughout the booking process as new groups register and select their Start Zone. Additionally, there is a chance that the Zone you would like will become available again. You can change your Start Zone up to the cut-off deadline.

Updated on: 01/10/2024

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