How to I add my Scouts/Guides/Leaders to the system?
You can upload to the system as often as you like, as long as we haven't reached the 8,000-player limit or the cutoff deadline.We have two different ways in which you can add your Scouts/Guides/Leaders to the system: Upload via spreadsheet; this template you will need to use is Please note that we don't accept any other format than the one on the link. Importing via OSM - you create an event in OSM,Some readersHow can I get a refund on a player?
If you happen to have a member of your group who has dropped out or you cannot attend as a group anymore, we can offer refunds up to the cut-off deadline. To get the refund, we will first need you to delete the player(s) who are no longer attending; this is done via the booking system and going to the 'Players' page. Select the players for deletion Press on the 'Delete' button and finally, confirm. Your refund will then be processed automatically by Stripe and returned to your bank accFew readersHow do I pay?
Payments will now take place at the point of adding players to the system. Please note that we only support Stripe payments and don't have the facilities to do BACS/cash/cheque payments.Few readersHow do I update the team’s phone numbers?
Log on to the booking system Go to the ’Teams’ page Click on the kebab icon (three vertical dots) in the top right of the team block Then click on edit Change the phone number Click saveFew readersHow do I add players to a team?
If you have already created the team, Click on the three vertical dots on the team block, and click the edit button This will open up the slide-out panel Go to the bottom of this panel, and you will see a field that says, players Select the players for the team Click save If you haven't created a team, First, click on the 'Create a Team' button Fill in all the details for the team Then follow step 3 in the above listFew readersHow do I delete a player from the system?
To delete a player from the system: Go to the Players page in the booking system Find the player in the table and then select the players that you would like to delete using the checkboxes Click on the 'Delete' button above the table Do think about whether you need to delete the player, as it will be easier if you can refill the space. Information about refunds can be found here - How can I get a refund on a player? ( readersHow can I change a player's name?
To change a player's name or role, you need to: Go to the 'Players' page on the booking system Find the play that needs a name change and look for the 'pencil' icon on that row Click on the icon A slide-out will appear; edit what you need to Click saveFew readersHow can I group my teams to play against each other?
Sorry we are now unable to give you this option.Few readersOur group name isn't correct, how can I change it?
Login to the booking system In the top right corner, click on your name and then 'Account Settings' You will then be taken to a form that will allow you to update your Group detailsFew readersHow can I get my receipt?
Firstly, you will need to login to the booking system Go to the Players page Click on 'Download Receipt' This will then download a receipt covering all payments you've made. You will also get a receipt every time you make a payment via email.Few readersHow can I cancel our group from the system?
If you are no longer planning on coming to the Run, you can delete your group from the system by following the steps below: Login to the booking system In the top right corner, click on your name and then 'Account Settings' and 'Delete Account' Click the big red button Please note that once that button has been pressed, there is no going back, and you will have to start afresh again if you change your mind. Please only do this if you don't have any players in your group. If yFew readersHow do I reset my password?
Head over to this page - Type your email address into the email field and press the button. You should then see a green box on the screen, similar to the one in the screenshot below. This means that the system knows you have requested a reset. If you don't see it please try and press the button again. The email can take up to 30 mins to arrive, and theFew readers