How many in a team?
The maximum team size is 7; this includes any leaders/helpers. We are strict about this, and any requests for larger teams will receive a polite no. This is due to the safety and enjoyment of all the players in a team. We also suggest a minimum of 3 people in a team. If your teams have anybody under 14, they must be accompanied by a Leader. Teams with all members aged 14 and over may go around without a leader - but the final say is down to the group leader. Explorer units/Senior sectioPopularWhat are the 'Start Zones'?
A large number of people now attend the event. In the past, we have asked everybody to come to one location to pack their team packs and then start their day. This meant we asked a lot from the area we marked as our Start Location. We have moved to a 'hybrid start' to alleviate this issue. We now have 3 Start Zones: Waterloo Hyde Park Regents Park As a group, you must select one of those three locations from which all your teams will start (your group coordinator does this). We only havPopularHow do I register?
To register, you need to visit our booking system, which can be found here - The system works by having one Leader register your group to take part in the Run. Upon signing up, you will be asked to fill in your own and your group's details. Please register only one group on the system. More information on when open can be found here - When is the Run & when do bookings open? ( readersWho can be in a team?
Well, this is up to you. We don't require your teams to be formed in a specific way. The only exception arises when a team includes anyone under 14 years old; in that case, at least one Leader must be included in the team. It's important to clarify that leaders are not merely accompanying or supporting the team; they actively participate in the event, making them one of the seven players on the team. Therefore, you cannot have seven Scouts or Guides plus an additional leader. Instead, the comSome readersWhat do the Team Speeds mean?
We realise it can feel very unfair if you are in a game where one or more teams you are playing against are too competitive for the level of play your team is planning on/wishes. To re-address this, we have the 'Team Speed' setting, which your group coordinator can apply when creating teams on the booking system. We have three speeds that you can select from: Park Run - for teams where they are likely to have slower players or maybe it's the first time doing the Run Joggers (recommended) -Few readersWho can take part?
The event is open to anybody who is over the age of 10. You also have to be a member of the Scout Association, Guide Association or SAGGA.Few readersHow many times can we import/upload players?
The system will allow you to import/upload players as often as needed. The only exception to this is when we hit the 8000 player limit or the cut off deadline.Few readersCan I just send my Explorers/Rangers along without a leader
Although we say that over 14 years can go around London alone in a team (with the leader's permission), this doesn't mean they should travel to and be in London without a leader. Unit leaders don't need to participate in the Run but must be on hand to help the team(s) in an emergency.Few readersCan I create my own team name?
Our system doesn't allow group coordinators to create their own team names. Instead, you can select from a list of team names. We have a wide variety of names on the list. This is in place due to the experience of previous Runs where names were used, which made it very difficult to distinguish between team names when on the phone to control.Few readersDo we pay for leaders?
Yes, everybody who participates in the Run will need to pay. To be clear, any leaders or adults going around with a team are participating in the Run, as such they will need to be registered on the system.Few readersCan we reserve spaces?
In short, we don't offer the ability to reserve spaces. However, you can import a spreadsheet with dummy names into the system (payable in the usual way). Two things to note about doing this: We must have any dummy names converted to correct names before the cut-off deadline If you don't need all the spaces you initially booked, you can delete them from the system, but refunds are chargeable.Few readersWhy are there no spaces left at the Start Zone?
We have introduced the 3 Start Zones to simultaneously reduce the number of groups (and, in turn, the number of people) in one area. This means we are trying to get an even split of groups at each Start Zone to the best of our ability. Note - we should say that the number of people registered has nothing to do with the spaces available at each Zone. Spaces are dynamic based on the other Start Zones. A Zone is considered 'full' if it has 2 more groups starting there compared to the Zone with thFew readersHow many people can I bring?
You are free to bring as many as you like.Few readersCan we have a leaders team?
Yes.Few readersCan I have a group with a mixture of Guides and Scouts?
Yes, no problem with that.Few readersHow many teams can we bring?
You are allowed to have as many as you like.Few readers